Essential Biochemical Tests: Who Should Consider Them and Which Ones Are Crucial?
A biochemical test is a test that identifies a particular bacteria species. It identifies specific bacteria based on the bacteria's biochemical activities. Because different species of bacteria have different biochemicals activities, a specific species of bacteria can be distinguished in a biochemical test.
Thermochemical Recycling: Advancing the Circular Plastics Economy
Thermo-chemical processes break down waste materials into smaller building blocks. Pyrolysis, for example, operates without oxygen, converting plastic waste into chemicals or valuable feedstock that can replace fossil fuels in the production of new plastic.
Introduction To Biogeochemical Cycles
The ways in which an element—or compound such as water—moves between its various living and nonliving forms and locations in the biosphere is called a biogeochemical cycle. Biogeochemical cycles important to living organisms include the water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur cycles.
Testing of improved thermochemical storage in a real environment
The working pairs of materials incorporated in thermochemical energy storage system including silica gel/water, magnesium sulfate/water, lithium bromide/water, lithium chloride/water, and NaOH/water have been considered the most prominent materials for achieving increased heat storage capacity.
10 Reasons Why Biochemistry is Important
Biochemistry combines biology and chemistry to study living matter. It powers scientific and medical discovery in fields such as pharmaceuticals, forensics and nutrition. With biochemistry, you will study chemical reactions at a molecular level to better understand the world and develop new ways to harness these.
Thermochemical conversion of municipal solid waste into energy and hydrogen
The conventional approach for energetic valorisation of waste is direct combustion or incineration. Besides incineration more advanced thermochemical approaches, such as pyrolysis, gasification and plasma-based technologies, have been developed since the 1970s.
Biotechnology vs Biochemistry Best for Further Studies and Career
Given its nature, Biotechnology's application generally comes second after the principles of Biochemistry or Microbiology are set in place. It is, however, a vast field of knowledge worthy of being a major all on its own.
A thermochemical pathway for making green hydrogen, syngas and CO
OMC Thermochemistry seeks to commercialize a thermochemical pathway that uses heat and globally abundant materials (steel and aluminum) in a readily scalable fluidized bed reactor to split water to make green hydrogen, reduce CO2 to make CO, or co-feed water and CO2 to make syngas.
What is Nutritional Biochemistry
Nutritional biochemistry is the study of nutrition as a science which deals with the physiology, medicine, microbiology, pharmacology, chemistry and biology and uses these sciences for the study of health, diet, nutrition, disease, and drug treatment.